Connected 4G Dashcam

Front & Driver Facing Dual Cameras for Personal & Fleet Vehicles

Connected 4G Dashcam offers GPS tracking functionalities as well as Forward and Driver facing cameras, all in one device. Recorded video footage is integrated with the location tracking data, which means you can view everything in one place, on-demand, and anytime you need.

Real-time Location Tracking Alongside HD Video Footage

Gain complete visibility of your vehicles and drivers with GPS-based location tracking coupled with Dual facing cameras, recording footage from the road the car is facing and footage from the driver behind the wheel. 4G Dashcam’s internal connectivity feature eliminates the need for the managers to retrieve memory disks from vehicles manually or to retrieve footage from a DVR. The 4G Dashcam automatically uploads critical videos to the cloud and allows retrieving custom footage from a custom date and time for up to 10 days. You will be able to access to footage using the web interface or mobile app.

Our engineer can come to your home or work to install your 4G Connected Dashcam.


  • GPS Tracking
  • Mobile App
  • Auto Upload on Impact Detect
  • Auto Upload on Panic Button
  • Video on Demand


  • GPS Tracking
  • Mobile App
  • Auto Upload on Impact Detect
  • Auto Upload on Panic Button
  • Video on Demand
  • Live Streaming


  • GPS Tracking
  • Mobile App
  • Auto Upload on Impact Detect
  • Auto Upload on Panic Button
  • Video on Demand
  • Live Streaming
  • Hyperlapse Images

Please contact us today for a no obligation quote!